Category: Astrophotography

How does Google Astrophotography work?

February 9, 2022, 03:57, asked: Tommy Smithurst

In other words, it lets you take shots of the night sky, including stars and other celestial objects. The Pixel 4 combines 16 15-second exposures into a single four-minute mega-exposure (for lack of a better term), while the Pixel 3a and Pixel 3 combine four of these frames into a one-minute exposure....

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Can you do astrophotography with an iPhone 12?

February 7, 2022, 08:23, asked: Clind'œil Voyage

Hold the phone up to the night sky, and the iPhone 12 Pro will automatically detect some camera shake and limit the shutter speed to between 3 and 10 seconds. Put it on a tripod – a must for all serious astrophotography – and it's then possible to expose for up to 30 seconds. The results are reasonably good....

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How can tracking improve astrophotography?

February 6, 2022, 21:45, asked: Meminimus

Five tips to improve your astrophotography

  1. Increase the accuracy of your polar alignment;
  2. Select deepsky objects that are ideally sized for your camera and telescope;
  3. Improve the focus of your camera;
  4. Increase the accuracy of your guiding in PHD2, and;

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How do I get astrophotography on my iPhone 12?

February 6, 2022, 15:52, asked: taner topcular

Hold the phone up to the night sky, and the iPhone 12 Pro will automatically detect some camera shake and limit the shutter speed to between 3 and 10 seconds. Put it on a tripod – a must for all serious astrophotography – and it's then possible to expose for up to 30 seconds. The results are reasonably good....

fashion hat

Can I use my iPhone for astrophotography?

February 4, 2022, 17:13, asked: Nature Love

Astrophotography on an iPhone is not only possible, it's easier than you might think! Check our iPhone night sky photography tutorial to learn how to take photos like these....

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How do I turn on astrophotography in pixel 3a?

February 3, 2022, 07:52, asked: Nature in the vein

To enter the settings, hold down the camera switch shortcut beside the shutter button. To turn on the astrophotography light painting options, head into PX Mod Settings and scroll down till you reach the Astrophotography Settings....

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How do you use astrophotography mode in pixel 4?

February 1, 2022, 13:53, asked: Johnny Baylis

Open the camera app and head to the Night Sight mode. Press the camera shutter button and it will recognize that you are taking photos of the sky and will automatically enter the long-exposure Astrophotography mode. Wait between 1 and 5 minutes for your astrophoto to be complete....

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Do you need a telescope for astrophotography?

January 31, 2022, 03:16, asked: Roni Madden

You do not need a telescope to enjoy astrophotography. In fact, some of my all-time favorite images were captured using a beginner-level DSLR camera and a wide-angle camera lens. ... Remember, astrophotography involves capturing images at night, in the dark....

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What are flats in astrophotography?

January 30, 2022, 00:02, asked: Nature in the vein

What Is a Flat Frame? A flat frame is a normally exposed image with the entire field of view of the image lit as uniformly as possible. Like dark frames, flat frames are rather dull and uninteresting things to look at. They are visually white or gray and quite boring....

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Can I use a reflector telescope for astrophotography?

January 28, 2022, 00:06, asked: alma_natuurfotografie2.0

The Perfect Astrophotography Telescope Almost all types of telescopes are capable of impressive astrophotography images, but some make you work a lot harder for it. For example, a Newtonian Reflector presents an advantageous light-gathering ability and an affordable price-per-aperture....

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